Hubby here checking in on the blog site...Cathi is doing so well and I am so proud of how she has done on bedrest...She is going to be the greatest mom in the world...Speaking of Cathi, she has this unique trick that she does when she is goofing around....She can make bubbles on her tongue with her saliva and blow them around as if she was blowing bubbles from one of those hand held ring devices you see kids with...The reason I mention this trick is the picture you see attached...Apparently our little Megyn has inherited her mother's trick because it appears as if she is blowing bubbles in the womb...I also think she will look like Cathi, I can see the cute little button nose and those gorgeous Cathi lips..

Most of my aforementioned banter is all play, but I really do think Megyn will look like Cathi and I am certain that Cathi will be an awesome mother...She is the perfect wife, so I can't imagin her being anything else than a perfect mom to a perfect child...
Picture was taken at 24 weeks 5 days....


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