Disney Here We Come!!!

We are getting ready for our first Disney trip. Logan is not a fan of theme parks, he really doesn't like rides. But for his little munchkin he will make an exception. Logan is actually very excited about seeing Megyn OHHH and AHHHH at everything. She always wakes up saying OHHHTOODLES...and loves going to the Disney store. Logan even splurged and bought her the entire Tinkerbell outfit, she didn't want to take the wings off. My mom, brother, nephew and sister are also coming with us.

There are those people who tell us Megyn is too young and we shouldn't waste our money, but what they don't realize is this is just as much for us as for her. Logan and I have had dreams for years of taking our children to Disney. I am sad that I am unable to take my soon to be three year old triplets with us (because they are in heaven). This is a way to see our Rainbow baby enjoy all the things we were unable to do with our Trio.

I have vivid memories of my father riding the teacups with me as a little girl. He is now resting with my triplet angels, but will be with us at the park in spirit. Not a day goes by that I don't think about all of them. So we are going to Disney in their honor and we will have an Awesome time.

Logan and I have also decided to put any prospect of more children on hold for the time being, we are happy just being happy.

4th Of July

We had so much fun celebrating the 4th of July. Megyn had fun at the block party we went too. She is wearing an original outfit from {SIG}nature Creations. I love being able to get things made with her name on them. Megyn really enjoys watermelon as you can see....We are so Blessed

Where did my Baby go????

Where did my little baby go????

Megyn is 19 months and I feel like it has flown by. She is talking so much now and responding to what we say. She has started counting and can say Please and thank you. She is in LOVE with Tinkerbell. It feels like I put her to bed one night as a baby and she woke up as a toddler.

I have been struggling a lot lately on whether we should "try" for one more. I know for some people this is an easy no brainer...Well not for me....there is the issue of can I even get pregnant??? I still have a few frozen embies, but they are poor quality. And after the infertility struggle, I would have to deal with the pregnancy stress and possibly 7 months of bed rest. I struggle everyday with what we should do.

One day I want to have my Mirena taken out and just "see" what happens. and other days I feel like there is no way I want to struggle with all of the issues infertility and pregnancy will bring my family.

 It is just so hard because on one hand I feel so Blessed to have one perfect daughter, but on the other hand i would LOVE to have another child. Well for now we are just going to enjoy each other and our little family.

We are gearing up for our first Disney Trip, we only live an hour away so it should be fun...

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