I just couldn't WAIT!!! 5/2

Ok,Ok so I am like a kid who steams their Christmas presents open....I couldn't wait until Tuesday to find out if it took. I did a home pregnancy test and yes it is POSITIVE!!! Logan and I are so excited. We have spent the night talking about the possibilities. We will find out in a few weeks how many embryos took...right now I am just excited to continue our journey to parenthood......


Unknown said...
May 3, 2009 at 7:00 PM

Hi!!! I was so happy when you told me this morning that you couldn't go to the concert - not because you couldn't go but because of the reason why and as I told you..... I knew it, I just knew it. When I saw you Tues you just had a glow about you but I didn't want to say anything. I am so happy for you guys and will keep you in my prayers! Take care, get lots of rest and I'll talk to you soon!!

Kris said...
May 5, 2009 at 4:06 PM

I am so excited for you guys! I have been thinking about you and have been praying for you to be an earthly mom. Congrats! Here's to a healthy pregnancy!

Nan & Mike said...
May 5, 2009 at 5:52 PM

You are an inspiration to me! I am so happy for you both, congrats x1 or x2 and I pray you have a happy and healthy 9M! xo

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